this past week went by quickly once again, being back into santa cruz has been nice and relieving, but turns out that in my area there is a ton of open sewage and trash in the streets. as well people like to throw their waisted cow parts, mostly organs, in the streets.. so our area is just a little too stinky. but it´s worth is being back in the breeze and cool weather. my companion is doing pretty good too, he´s got about 15 months in the mission and is excited to be zone leader cause it´s his first time, so im kinda trying to help him out and we are starting to work pretty well in our area now, finding some good people to baptize in the following month, proabably like three or four. we´ve been trying to help one of our investigaters recieve an answer about the book of mormon, and have been praying with him to help him know if it´s true... but until now he hasn´t been able to recieve an answer, or atleast be able recognize the influences of the spirit. and thinking about it i´ve realized that he wont reviece an answer until he completes his other commitments, like going to church, reading the book of mormon on his own, saying his prayers by himself, and other small commitments too. and makes me think that the if people dont complete their own commitments( covenants, or promises with God) they will never have the right of revelation. if we don´t complete with our own personal commitments with our Heavenly Father it impedes us from recieving personal reverlation from Him... but all is going good,
elder chase park
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Birthday
Hey everyone!
So this week went super fast once again, especially being conference week!! This past mondey while working in our area we passed by a church called asamblea de dios, which means assembly of god, and the funny thing was they were actually singing on of our church hymns! We were heading towards an investigater who was progressing but turns out when we knocked her door she fled from the living room into the kitchen, seeing through the glass door, and sent her mom to answer the door and tell us she wasn´t home, we going through that and listening to excuses like two or three times a week. The worse part was that she was one of our progressing investigaters. This week was also my big 21st b day, i had a really good day, enjoyed my self somewhat and we also had a really good day working. I still don´t feel like im 21 or even that i have to much time in the mission. Oh and big news for brasil the 2016 olympics will be in here in rio de janero, everyone here is going crazy.. even my companion and i cause brazil is just awesome! As far as conference when we didn´t have any investigaters come to see the stake center is actually really far away (in another country) and we even had problems with some of the members getting there on time. But i would have to say that holland gave an amazing talk, he just calls my attention so much when he talks so strongly that i become so interested that i dont even bother to take notes. As well i love how richard g scott loaths pornography and teaches it so well, im really excited for the ensign in november. This week went fast for a lot of reasons but mostly because we´re trying to work hard, this full week we´ll have to work even harder though. The head is turning up too, we´re still doing good but im sure it will get to a point where we might have to stay in all the afternoon! Love elder chase parkAnd yes i didn´t wait to open my present, i just don´t have the self discipline and you´re way to smart mom! Oh yeah and for my birthday i had cake smashed in my face! First time ever in my life! I didn´t really like it
So this week went super fast once again, especially being conference week!! This past mondey while working in our area we passed by a church called asamblea de dios, which means assembly of god, and the funny thing was they were actually singing on of our church hymns! We were heading towards an investigater who was progressing but turns out when we knocked her door she fled from the living room into the kitchen, seeing through the glass door, and sent her mom to answer the door and tell us she wasn´t home, we going through that and listening to excuses like two or three times a week. The worse part was that she was one of our progressing investigaters. This week was also my big 21st b day, i had a really good day, enjoyed my self somewhat and we also had a really good day working. I still don´t feel like im 21 or even that i have to much time in the mission. Oh and big news for brasil the 2016 olympics will be in here in rio de janero, everyone here is going crazy.. even my companion and i cause brazil is just awesome! As far as conference when we didn´t have any investigaters come to see the stake center is actually really far away (in another country) and we even had problems with some of the members getting there on time. But i would have to say that holland gave an amazing talk, he just calls my attention so much when he talks so strongly that i become so interested that i dont even bother to take notes. As well i love how richard g scott loaths pornography and teaches it so well, im really excited for the ensign in november. This week went fast for a lot of reasons but mostly because we´re trying to work hard, this full week we´ll have to work even harder though. The head is turning up too, we´re still doing good but im sure it will get to a point where we might have to stay in all the afternoon! Love elder chase parkAnd yes i didn´t wait to open my present, i just don´t have the self discipline and you´re way to smart mom! Oh yeah and for my birthday i had cake smashed in my face! First time ever in my life! I didn´t really like it
In Brazil
This past week went really awesome, for the preperation day we went to our area where on a hill it has a big statue of a Christ! It´s was sweet to see our entire area too while being up ontop of the hill. This past week went really well with our investigaters we have a family and another sister who we are teaching who are progressing a ton. The family is already finding alot of questions and doubts through the book of mormon and this Sunday they went to church, as well we have another sister who has been reading the book of mormon like crazy too and we went to teach her the plan of salvation, she practically already knew it and was teaching us.. all three of them are being prepared to be baptized on halloween!! It´s going to be awesome.. this past week was pretty hot though, right now the coulds are covering the sun and the wind gives a cool breeze but later on in the week it´s going to heat up again like it always does. Funny story.. my companion and i met an old guy who was about 86 years old. He was talking to us about how strong he was, and show it he punched my companion in the arm by surprise… it looked pretty hard. So my companion was kinda angry then the old guy said to grab his leg to see feel his muscle. But the thing is grab in portuguese means to punch in spanish and my companion with an already angry mind undertood punch my leg… to which he did and the old guy starts freaking out.. it was actually hilarious in the moment. But all is still well here in brazil, im going good still learing portugues right now it´s not very hard at all.. and thanks mom for the money, i went and bought myself a soccer jersey and probably will buy another scrupture case too. And the pants do fit me thanks again. And no i wont be able to go to rio because it´s actually another mission.. the area that i work in is about four hours away from the nearest stake. But im still doing great and am excited for halloween and november and to get this year over with.
Love you all a tone
.Elder chase park
Love you all a tone
.Elder chase park
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Missed Wedding

dad told me a lot of what happened and that sucks that i missed out on the fun and frantic.. i especially liked it when dad told me the story of someone confusing trevor as the groom and ashley saying "i would never marry someone with braces and a captain america shirt!". but i guess it sounded like everything turned out pretty good... so this past week was another hoot in the missionary work, it seems like it´s getting harder now cause the termperature is going up and i have´t really gotten used the heat just yet.. in this next month that comes we´re planning on have about five people being baptized and in this month were just finishing with two... we have to find more people to teach.. but to tell you the truth it really feels good to be back here in bolivia even though im getting toasted.. but im excited to hear more about the wedding and see more of those pictures, especially of me! ( i still think thats hilarious)
chase park
Monday, June 22, 2009
Some Big changes are coming
so there have been a lot of changes in the mission as of now... right now im with one of my old companions still in lima peru waiting to leave for bolivia. my companion finished his mission and now im in a trio still in my same area just kinda showing the new missionaries around. but as of today president elmer has told be that the visas have been approved and that in this week we will be going back!! finially! a lot of these pictures that im sending are from when all the bolivia missionaries went through the temple with president, when sister elmer cut our ties because we are finishing here in this mission and when we out to eat at a few places like chilies!!! and i think a few other, like another baptism. well now not being a zone leader just really means that now i have more time for internet!! woot. right now im just waiting for a few days more to fly off to bolivia and im soooo excited to goooo!! i have been waiting for nine months and finally the time has come. so ive got so much time right now i really dont know what to write.well im companions again with an elder i trained, elder benavides from columbia again, staying with him and his companion just for a bit. but everything is going really well right now, and i hope you liked the pictures. love you all happy father day dad!!
DyC 31:3-6
elder chase park
i might call home when i fly to bolivia
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DyC 31:3-6
elder chase park
i might call home when i fly to bolivia
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Monday, May 25, 2009
welp another week down in the mission, and the time is still flying. this past week went well again our zone is still baptizing and right now in the mission in lima we´re the zone of excelency, which just means we have the most baptisms. i don´t really like how president makes is know cause it makes a lot of missionaries feel bad. yesterday we gave a blessing of health to a little girl (really adorable) who was like two, she had problems sleeping in the night but before the blessing she was really sad and shy, then after the blessing happy and healthy from what it seemed she was pretty much changed completely right after the blessing. it was really amazing to see how fast the power of christ works in children, how alteast how much faith they have. but for for me that was a little cool special experience i had. at the end of this week we´ll have another baptisms, possible two and this thursday we also have a conference with president snow in the peru mtc so i´ll see trev harpel again, then in two weeks i´ll be shipped off the bolivia as a civilian in peru!! but i´ll try and send pictures next week, i don´t really have to much time right now sorry.. but thanks for all the e mails, pictures and support! love you all! and miss every one. tell the wests roystens and brittany and jackson i said bye too and that i´ll miss them a lot! elder chase park
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